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YBC Production is dedicated to extending your brand presence, without extending your carbon footprint. By recycling all eligible consumables, exclusively utilizing eco-friendly inks, and prioritizing the offset of our own carbon footprint, we print with a purpose.




Trees Planted

animated black blob
Dark plant leaves.

Let’s work together to create a lasting impact on your guests, not the environment.

Carbon Offset

Despite our efforts to reduce our waste and choose environmentally friendly products, we acknowledge printing as an industry is inherently wasteful at times. This is why we make great efforts to offset the carbon footprint we do make despite our initiatives. For every 10 square feet of material we print, YBC Production plants 1 tree through our partnership with This includes all short term branding, signage, and artwork. 


YBC Production partners with local recycling companies to ensure all eligible materials including packaging, consumables, and all other waste make it's way to a sustainable future. Through these efforts we ensure material that does get sent to a landfill, is kept to a minimum.

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Concious Choices

Not all inks are created equal; That's why we use only Latex inks for all short term branding material. These inks are water based, odorless, non-toxic, and serve the environment far better than eco-solvent and UV alternatives.  Because of these differences, all materials that come in contact with these inks retain their recyclability. All substrates, film, and even the ink cartridges themselves are recycled responsibly.

planting trees
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